July 2022

There was some disruption here towards the end of the month due to hollow coring and heavy top dressing.  There is never a great time for such upheaval on the greens, we have chosen mid Summer to take advantage of a quick recovery window, which should be no more than a couple of weeks.

One and a half tons of compacted soil per green were removed and collected, before a covering of fresh sand was applied

Hollow coring is normally a biannual procedure, however our attempts to hollow core last September were curtailed due to heavy rain, meaning the greens over the road never got done.  This formed part of our decision to hollow core again so soon, ensuring this time these greens were included.  This should help to alleviate some of the moss that accumulates from time to time on these particular greens.

Whilst the holes were open we sprayed an application of three products, consisting of Rocastem, Soilmax and an organic based slow release Nitrogen.  This combination will help clean the soil profile to let more air in, which will trigger new rooting and aid a faster recovery, whilst promoting upright growth.

We took advantage of the open holes to apply high quality organic products direct to the soil profile

To clarify, overseeding does not take place during hollow coring. Bentgrass seed needs sowing at a 3mm depth to survive and germinate (fescue 12mm depth), our hollow core holes are 60mm depth, meaning vast amounts of seed would be wasted if sown at this time.  Another reason not to seed is the low number of holes per sqm from a hollow core machine – around 250 per sqm.  A dedicated dimple-seeder lays down 1300 holes per sqm, whilst injecting seed at the same time, to the exact depth, at the exact rate.  We have such a machine booked for hire the week following Scarborough Golf Week, when we will be overseeding ‘Barenbrug All Bent’ at the recommended rate of 20g per sqm.

Prior to renovations our greens stood up well to another difficult month of weather

Fairways, Surrounds, Tees and Rough:
The rough management program continues to pay dividends with a much-reduced cutting regime, as areas continue to thin out and growth slows.  The tees continue to be treated with feed and weed along with a growth regulator – the weaker areas of surrounds receiving the same treatments.

Irrigation Works:
The first stage of repairs has taken place here using outside contractors. Ten sprinklers were removed from tees and greens now redundant since the changeover.  These were reused on various greens and tees that were suffering damaged sprinklers.  Decoders were also added to the chipping green, meaning that areas can now be included in the program, and should now start to improve.

Work still outstanding includes a repair to the pipework leading to the front sprinkler on the 4th tee, a broken valve on the first green, along with a new tank and liner, all of which will be carried out in the next visit should budgets allow.

The usual small breakages due to wear and tear have once again occurred this month.  The roller on the Amazone again causing issue, and lately a problem with our starter motor on our Kubota tractor.  Earlier in the month the sprayer split a seal, now replaced, and the engine ECU on our big ride on rough mower was returning an emissions fault, that disabled the cutting units.  This meant the machine was out of action for a couple of weeks, a software update from Korea was the remedy this time!  The good news around this machine is that the final finance payment was made on it this month.  Originally purchased in 2016, it is by far the most expensive in the fleet, a new replacement costing in the region of £70k these days, with a two year waiting list.  The sizeable £900 monthly payment now saved should ease a little pressure off our budget for the time being, during what has been a difficult year which has seen diesel and fertilizer costs soar.  Whether we will replace like for like on this machine when the time comes remains to be seen.  There are more cost-effective options, with trailed contour mowers, offering a wider cut and better finish, but more difficult manoeuvrability – priced more cost effectively in the region of £20k.

We are hoping to cut and collect the larger areas of long grass in the coming weeks

Looking towards next month…
Grass will be the main task at hand in August, with the Amazone fixed and tractor back in action we will be keen to get back on top of cutting after renovation week.  There are still some areas needing selective weedkiller, and ditches and banking’s in need of strimming and clearing.  Once we are back on top, it is my aim to start to cut and collect back the fence up the left of 2nd and 3rd hole and the same could apply to the left side of 7th and 8th.  We are also in the lookout for any farmers who would be prepared to cut and collect larger areas such as right of 11, right of 12 and the area between 11 and 12. Thanks to the board and to all helpers again this month your time in assisting us is much appreciated. Thanks to Curly for installing new gates around our perimeters, and thanks also to Mike and his team for finishing paths amongst many other jobs beyond us at this time of year.

Wishing you all the best in the coming month.  Peter, Jack and Gordon.

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